"We prepare students to engage in the world that is and to help bring about a world that ought to be."

Debbie Ferretti

Minute of Appreciation
Debbie Ferretti
Faculty Emerita

Friends Seminary is deeply appreciative of the many contributions Debbie Ferretti has made over her 31 years of service to the School. From her first day on the job as a physical education teacher in September of 1979, Debbie has displayed an absorbing interest in the good of student athletes at Friends, which has been a gift of incalculable value.  During her first year teaching at Friends, Debbie's PE students immediately warmed to her. Her classes were rich with friendly banter and playfulness. Larry Carter's homeroom students, in particular, had fun with this green teacher, making a game of switching their names in class and creating their own dismissal schedule at a time before bells signaled the changing periods. At the end of the school year, Debbie's playful students paid tribute to her, buying her a watch to monitor the school schedule and better equip her for joking students to come.  As a coach, Debbie maintained her approachable spirit but took great care to impart an attitude of accountability and perseverance among her athletes. She recalls a certain freshman who did not make the volleyball team one season; she returned the following season to make the team and eventually became the team's captain. This student later graduated as one of the School's most accomplished athletes-winning two basketball and four volleyball championships. Through persistence, high expectations, and many hours of drills, Debbie cultivated her athletes' passions for their sports and commitments to each other. According to a former athlete, Debbie's "ability to bring out the "teammate" in me has served me every day of my life".  In addition to nurturing the development of her own athletes, Debbie worked hard to elevate the overall athletics program at Friends and was a driving force for advancing our teams up from the B League.  Debbie managed to successfully bridge the non-competitive philosophy of our Quaker school with athletic achievements. In the words of a former athlete, "there was a palpable shift when Debbie joined the sports staff"; our current athletics program continues to benefit from the trail Debbie blazed 30 years ago.  As a teacher, department chair, athletics director and coach, Debbie's generosity of time, attention, encouragement, and support have been precious gifts to hundreds of student athletes at Friends and her legacy continues still. We express heartfelt gratitude for the breadth and depth of service Debbie has given to Friends Seminary and are proud to honor her as Faculty Emerita.   
Friends Seminary actively promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism in all its programs and operations, including admissions, financial aid, hiring, and all facets of the educational experience. To form a community which strives to reflect the world’s diversity, we do not discriminate on the basis of race or color, religion, nationality, ethnicity, economic background, physical ability, sex, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation. Friends Seminary is an equal opportunity employer.

222 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
P: 212-979-5030
F: 212.979.5034
Friends Seminary — the oldest continuously operated, coeducational school in NYC — serves college-bound day students in Kindergarten-Grade 12.