"We prepare students to engage in the world that is and to help bring about a world that ought to be."

Frank Montaturo

Minute of Appreciation
Frank Montaturo
Faculty Emeritus 

Modesty. So much modesty that Frank Montaturo didn't want to be singled out as an Emeritus honoree. But after some persuasion by Principal Bo Lauder, Frank reluctantly agreed to receive this well-deserved honor today.  Throughout his 27 years at Friends, Frank Montaturo was a teacher of French, and then French and Spanish, and today he focuses his attention on teaching Spanish solely.                                                                                              

Frank lists his leading of the Home Stay and Study Programs to Oaxaca, Mexico as one of the most meaningful accomplishments during his time at Friends.  And when asked which memories or highlights of his years at Friends he'd like to share, modest Frank admits he is not good at pulling out those threads. But, he says, dancing with Christina Moustakis at the School's 200th Anniversary Celebration tops his list. He also mentions that this year's Spanish III classes have been some of the most enjoyable classes that he's taught throughout his tenure.    In contrast somewhat with his modest disposition, Frank's fierce wit and ebullient personality are characteristics appreciated by his students and colleagues alike. His classroom is one ever-filled with song, dance, laughter, sarcasm and friendly banter. Frank's former students fondly recall their intellectual sparring matches in Spanish and English with him. His bright personality can be summed up with a word he coined himself, "Montaturissimo".                                                                                                    
We express heartfelt gratitude for the breadth and depth of service Frank has given to Friends Seminary and are proud to honor him as Faculty Emeritus. 
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222 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
P: 212-979-5030
F: 212.979.5034
Friends Seminary — the oldest continuously operated, coeducational school in NYC — serves college-bound day students in Kindergarten-Grade 12.