"We prepare students to engage in the world that is and to help bring about a world that ought to be."

Jane Suntken

Minute of Appreciation
Jane Suntken
Faculty Emerita

Helping young minds come alive and develop in so many ways-this is the reason Jane Suntken said she went into teaching young children.  "Friends offered so many opportunities and support for teachers to go beyond the usual," she said. She adds that the ability to write her own curriculum with co-teacher, Judy Anderson was challenging and very satisfying. Jane says she and Judy would spend hours coming up with ideas and implementation for curriculum.   One of their last and most memorable curriculum plans brought her Lower School students outside the classroom to learn. Jane and Judy returned in September and discovered all the streets around the School excavated. Pipes and wires that run underneath the city could be seen, but that wasn't the only thing exposed; the two knew an entire curriculum had just been revealed ranging from projects involving science, social studies, math and language arts. The curriculum, revolving around "the world that is" right outside their classroom windows, was a great success. Children were conscientious sidewalk superintendents and the actual superintendent of the project made numerous visits to the classroom to explain the whole project.  In addition to her camaraderie with co-teacher Judy, Jane said she is thankful for her colleagues-a group of creative, dedicated, and cooperative professionals. Jane is quick to reference, School Daze, a faculty musical for the School's bicentennial celebration, in which the faculty teamed together for an incredible performance. And, when she retired in 2001, she was overwhelmed with gratitude for all the love and appreciation shown to her by the Friends Community.  We express heartfelt gratitude for the breadth and depth of service Jane has given to Friends Seminary from 1972 to 2001. We are proud to honor her as Faculty Emerita. 
Friends Seminary actively promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism in all its programs and operations, including admissions, financial aid, hiring, and all facets of the educational experience. To form a community which strives to reflect the world’s diversity, we do not discriminate on the basis of race or color, religion, nationality, ethnicity, economic background, physical ability, sex, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation. Friends Seminary is an equal opportunity employer.

222 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
P: 212-979-5030
F: 212.979.5034
Friends Seminary — the oldest continuously operated, coeducational school in NYC — serves college-bound day students in Kindergarten-Grade 12.