"We prepare students to engage in the world that is and to help bring about a world that ought to be."

Annette Kahn

Minute of Appreciation
Annette Kahn
Teacher of Foreign Languages
Faculty Emerita

For the past 21 years Annette Kahn has introduced young Friends Seminary Middle Schoolers to the rudiments of French and Latin, and has guided her Upper School students on informed, insightful journeys through the nuances and splendors of French language and literature.   Alongside her teaching, Annette served as Chair of the Foreign Languages Department from 1995 - 1998, and as Director of Extended Studies since 2000.  In this latter role, she worked to grow and diversify the School's Extended Studies Program which today includes two Quaker schools - The Friends' School in Tasmania, Australia and Sidcot Friends in North Somerset, England, in addition to study opportunities in Rome, in France, China, Spain, and state-side in Colorado and Maine.  She arranged for exchange trips for French students, accompanying them twice to Paris and Dole; her aim has been to foster the intercultural aspects and joys of foreign language.   She is admired by her colleagues for her humor and keen intellect, and by her students - each of whom she has held to high standards of scholarship, and for whom she has shown the deepest dedication and respect.   We express heartfelt gratitude for the breadth and depth of service Annette gave to Friends Seminary and are proud to honor her as Faculty Emerita.   
Friends Seminary actively promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism in all its programs and operations, including admissions, financial aid, hiring, and all facets of the educational experience. To form a community which strives to reflect the world’s diversity, we do not discriminate on the basis of race or color, religion, nationality, ethnicity, economic background, physical ability, sex, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation. Friends Seminary is an equal opportunity employer.

222 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
P: 212-979-5030
F: 212.979.5034
Friends Seminary — the oldest continuously operated, coeducational school in NYC — serves college-bound day students in Kindergarten-Grade 12.